
West Highland White Terrier Club of Western Canada

 "Club Westie"

“We are a group of like-minded Westie lovers who have started this club for Westie owners and breeders in Canada’s West. We want the club to focus on a more regional area by supporting pet owners and breeders alike with fun and informative events."

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Club Westie Board of Directors

President:  Catherine Hamilton

Vice-President: Ina Bureau

Secretary: Diana Cleghorn

Treasurer: Lynn Sauer

Editor : Petra Engel

Membership Director: Katherine Kovalcik

Alberta Director: Donel Bryck

BC Director: Chris Mann

Saskatchewan Director: Vacant

Manitoba Director: James Smith

Connect with us:


All materials on this site ©WHWTClub of Western Canada  ’10,’11, ’12,’13, ’14, ’15’16, ’17, ’18,’19,’20’21,’22,’23, ’24       Art work by Kirsten Fox